Media Tower


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I purchased this media tower. It is to hold various filtration media in a compact space. It would go in the first section of the filtration area of an All-In-One tank.
(Confession: I am new at all this, I’m retired with nothing better to occupy my time, I have more money than good sense, I bought this tower because I saw it and wanted it.)
Now help me out. What filtration do you think I could put in this small space? UNS (the mfg) doesn’t give any real suggestions. (I’ve emailed them.)
If you look at the tower, it has two drawers and two shelves. There are rails for a 3rd drawer. It came with those bio-blocks, that blue and white filter, and the standard course black sponge filter.
In one of the pictures I have my arrangement. I still have one drawer to put something in. But what?
What ever it is, it is going to be upstream of that course filter, which may be wrong. Who knows.
So, give me some ideas.


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Activated Carbon in a small nylon zipper bag is probably what I would do. Or if you want more bio-media you could do something like seachem matrix, also in a bag
I am going with this set up. The top filter comes with the tower the two sponge fillers are for ammonia. The black space is a sponge filter that came with the tower. The bottom section is a stack of the bio-blocks that come with the tower and a bag of Matrix.
Wish me luck.
I will put disposable filters at very top. Second section where grey filter is, I would put activated carbon in. A bag. That black foam need to be replaced with your matrix. Use all the matrix if you can. Use the all the bottom sections.

And good luck~