RyanSG1986;857905 wrote: I see this happen a lot on this site, someone buys something used then it doesn't work perfect and they complain. when i buy something USED, it is sold to me as is, whether it is stated or not. If you want something to work perfectly, buy it Brand New, that way the warranty still applies or you can return it when it if it doesn't work to the store. To me this situation is a Lose for the seller and a win for the buyer. You had a product that worked, sold it, now it doesn't work, so if you refund him you get a broken device, and now he knows to buy it new, because he found out what used products are like.
Also, has the Actual buyer chimed in?
I wouldn't refund, he bought it used, and it sounds like it works. Whether it is Dim or not, it works and you paid less than if it were brand new. :yes: