Metal Halide Lights

Yeah I was just saying... I wasn't taking offense to it at all. Yup that would be REALLY hard with this many people. We would need a tracking device on it.
donnyholland wrote: I didn't say anything about you guys minding or you guys gettin ripped off... Don't be so touchy. ;) I just said we are able to use it free, then again we only have like 24 active members heheh... I think it would be pretty tough to do that with 400 members more than half of which you prob don't hardly know.
Not touchy either. I was just pointing out that even though we pay it all goes to a good place.
Tsunami- what size tank? 3 X 400 watts for softies and anemones is a lot of light. You PAR shift may not be as critical as for those that are keeping ultra-light animals, such as SPS, clams, etc.

Agreed to the point that bulbs, ballasts, etc will make a difference. Even things like ventiliation on the bulbs will make a difference.
The rental fee is to help pay for the par meter that was purchase in July.

As long as your corals are growing why wast the money. I replace my 150 and 250 HQI every 18-24 months