Mg Consumption and increasing it


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In the last 8 months I moved my 93g to a temp 55g and then to a 140g. It's been in the 140g for about 2 months. The tank was filled half with the Red Sea that Optimum sells mixed and the other half with Coral Pro. I believe this should mean I should have started with fairly high Mg.

Last week I started trying to really dial in Alk, Ca and Mg. I've dosed BRS two part twice in the last week. 8oz both times after reading 1250-1300 for several days. Both times I dosed 8oz I waited about 15 minutes and tested again it hadn't moved. I realize there's some room for error with Red Sea Pro tests as with most tests but I've been testing once or twice a day for a week and the total of 16oz of 2 part Mg should have raised it by 100ppm. I'm testing the same way each time, so if I'm doing something wrong I would expect it to be wrong each time and at least read apples to apples (like if I'm measuring something incorrectly). The kit is about a year old, I clean the tube after every use. What else am I missing??? I can't imagine that the coral in that tank are consuming it that fast - obviously not in 15 minutes but having to dose Mg daily? Especially in that quantity.

All of the coral is doing great at least. The SPS has colored up and been growing a lot since I moved it from the temp tank.

Alk and Ca are also a little low after forgetting to add kalk to my to 5g worth of top off water. I'm still using kalk in the ATO until the two part makes it to the top of the extra stuff I want to buy list. I am dosing it a little differently and I have seen the impact of that in daily testing but I'm trying to get the Mg up before I try to get these all the way up.

One more thing... I left the windows open last night with this cool weather. Last fall my levels started to get all out of whack after doing that. Apparently my house is pretty air tight and benefited greatly from 7.9-8.2ph with the windows closed to a very steady 8.3-8.4 with the windows open. Coral growth unexpectedly skyrocketed for those weeks and I didn't realize it until afterwards so my dosing didn't keep up.