It can take a few minutes for air from the return lines to purge. If this continues for over an hour I would take a little 100% silicon and go around your joints on your return line. If air is entering, the silicon will seal it. You could wait as usually slime and salt clog up any holes in the return. Assuming your return pump is under 4" or more of water (as in 4" completely over the pump or around 8" total) you shouldn't be drawing air in from a vortex. You could be getting some bubbles from your fuge section pouring into the return area but you should be able to see this.
Just a note about your fuge setup, you may want to pour some water from your drain in there as well. Fuges are great filtration systems but you have designed it in such a way that it won't really filter as well as it could. Probably makes a good POD farm though.