micro bubbles??


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ok, i did a 5 gallon water change on my 80 gallon tank the tank has a HOB cpr bakpak........why is it now producing micro bubbles like CRAZY??

also i knwo this looks horrible but is it bad for the fish?
its not bad for the fish , try to use some filter floss or some kind of mechanical filter to stop the bubbles
i seriously dont understand.....this skimmer has been working fine for me for almost a year now and then today all of a sudden bam......micro bubbles.......i just dont get why it waould start doing that?
this is seriously making me mad......i have switched pumps tubes cleaned it everything and still micro bubbles!!!!!
well i changed both of those things to see if it woudl make a diff. and it didnt so i went back to the old ones..........

one thing i was just reading is that some chemicals in the water can cause micro bubbles when it goes through a protein skimmer.

i did just add the red slime remover............maybe that was it??
hm.....u know what barb i think we have solved the problem....i called the guy at the LFS and he said its prob. in overdrive and i should just un plug it and un plug my big 330 filter that i run carbon with......im thinking thats what it was
yeah i have solved the flow part......im starting to do 5 gallon changed every week.....and the lights are coming in about a week or so.....but it was startging to grow over and "suffocate" my zoas to where they werent even coming out anymore so i was gonna do one big nuke of the red slime then do 25 percent change to get all the dead slime out and then make sure it doesnt come back by doing all that stuff you have mentioned lights flow etc...
yeah my only thought right now is i treated the tank and the carbon was running for a while so do u think it all got sucked up? and removed by the carbon