Micro serpent star living with worm?


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In my 10g nano I have plenty of micro serpent stars and feather dusters. One species of feather duster is very hard to see.. its "feathers" look like very thin optic lines (they even have different colors reflecting off depending on the angle. On of the larger of these has what looks like micro serpent start coming out of it! After observing for awhile the "serpent star" arms are more timid than the "feathers"... would these two live together like this or are the arms actually part of the worm? Sorry for the poor photo and micro bubbles (the nano skimmer is still making lots of em!). Guys in question are center with bubbles caught on some of the worms feathers. You can see the arms sticking up. I've only seen 2 arms.

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just a nikon coolpix 14.0 megapixel. Its the cheap AA battery model. I hate rechargable ones cause when they go dead its harder to find a place to charge then it is to buy new batteries.... That being said the coral is quite near the glass so it was taken from about 3 inches away, no skill on my part!!!

What I'm curious about is if this is indeed a serpent star with a duster is it symbiotic or is one at the advantage or is it just a spoof? I enjoy all the surprises that come with live rock!
Well after further observation I believe the tentacles might be part of the worm. The feather part just collects and the tentacles pull the food to the mouth. I noticed all the worms of these species has two arms coming out. I still think its pretty cool and if anyone has any info on this species id love to read it.