Mini Blue Tnags

JennM;1090744 wrote: Hijacking the thread... but sure am glad you reminded me, Jakub :)

Looks like I have a tank to set up! :yay:

Well like I said and some others as well... there really isn't any one more deserving of a prize like that. You contribute beyond what anyone one person should in knowledge and advice. Plus I'm sure every single person that attended today have something to thank you for.

Thank you again for coming!

Brian, reluctant as he is (HA!) is already researching...

I am going out of town at the end of August so I probably won't set it up til after Labour Day.

Was going to bring it to work but they don't leave heat/AC on over weekends so that wouldn't end well - although it would look stunning in my office.

No blue tangs nor blue damsels in this tank! (How's that for a segue back to the topic!)
