*Moderate Lighting* is ________________

linda lee

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Looking @ corals on the http://liveaquaria.com/product/scateg.cfm?siteid=26&pCatId=871">Live Aquaria weekly specials page</a> that indicate moderate lighting. Cannot find an article on their site which states exactly what *moderate lighting* might be.

I'd like to consider the [IMG]http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=461">Elegance Coral</a> and/or the [IMG]http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=467">Fox Coral</a> if my PC's (96x2 - 33 gal) can sustain them.
First off, I would not recommend elegance coral. It is beautiful but has a very low chance of survival.

Your main question is the $100,000 question and there is no answer. You can put "moderate" into many terms but maybe the best is PAR. THe problem is unless yo0u have a PAR meter you do not know your PAR and even then you will not see many things related to PAR.

I would term Moderate light under PCs as anything at the top of the tank. Under T-5 or Halide it would be the middle of the tank. The fox should survive at the top of the tank if you use a 10K bulb. But that is just IMO.
My opinion would be that PC's in your range would definately be considered moderate...
I'd have to agree that nearly 200 watts of PCs in a 33 gal is a solid "moderate". It also depends though whether one of those lights is a pure actinic, in which case I'd say you're at the low/moderate range.
I've read in many articles that instead of running the pure actinic bulb in your fixture, its a good idea to run a 50/50 bulb in its place. You still get the advantage of some actinic, and your fixtures out-put come closer to it's stated out-put

If I'd stayed with PCs, thats the root I'd have taken, and kind of wish I had
from surfact to sand is only 15" and lights are 3" above that... these still need to be at the top even though it L.A. says *bottom*?


As for Elegance, Loren pointed out that it's *aggressive* anyway, which I had overlooked. I already have one aggressive guy (frogspawn) which L.A. says needs *moderate to high* light and is thriving on the bottom front corner away from its tankmates. Wondering now if it will eventually die?

Sheeesh... tired of killing stuff. Maybe I just need a tank full of hermies and snails.
Guess the Coralife light fixture needs to go (and, yes, one of the bulbs is actinic). Without spending $$$ for MH's (which I simply can't do right now ... I'm hoping Santa might help me out in December), what lights DO I need?

Anyone interested in http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5001">this fixture</a> as a trade for something more suited to my tank? When I bought this fixture from Mike, I was pretty much going to do fish. But, seems I'm a fish-killer, so I'd rather go more into corals.

Xyzpdq0121;64756 wrote: I would go with a "cheap" T-5 retrofit fixture...

Why *retrofit* ?? Wouldn't I then need to build a canopy? (Never got a good defnition of <u>retrofit</u>.)
The fixture you have is suficient for most livestock. No sps or clams ofcoarse.

192 watts of PC is all I had on my tank for 2 years, and not as wild about MH as I thought I'd be......

Interested in buying new bulbs for your fixture? Maybe I'd trade you my new MH + some cash. Lets talk
Dakota9;64781 wrote: Interested in buying new bulbs for your fixture? Maybe I'd trade you my new MH + some cash. Lets talk

Loren said your light is awesome. Composing a PM.