Mollies in a Reef Tank

Lee, the one in the pic is a female. If the other you got has a rather pronounced *ahem* "appendage" near the base of the tail, then you got a male/female pair and they should breed every 30-60 days (I think that's the cycle I remember) for extra free food.
Speaking of females, mine birthed her first load last night. Judging by the plump nature of my engineer goby, he had quite a few. I'm betting the clowns got a couple each. There are a few still floating around as of this morning, but I'm betting my sump has several hiding in the live rock since I have no sponge filter on my overflow. Might have to do something about that.

I'm waiting for one to survive the Euroreef pump and end up in the skimmer cup where it would probably do fine, if not thrive.
That will be interesting to see.. looking in your skimmer and seeing a fish swimming around, :lol3:
ok so the one that was fat, definately was a mommy, and she gave birth. dont know to how many, I only saw one swimming around and it was eating algea like a vacuum! They are super cute when babies!
do you guys worry about your salties eating the mollies? just curios as i had read before of possible problems feeding goldfish to saltie predators. i guess its all just food but not being a natural food source makes me wonder.
I only have a clownfish and a rainsfordi goby in my tank other then the mollies, so I'm not worried. Actually one of the mollies is more aggressive towards the other one then saltwater on freshwater.
I have 2 mollies and a small yellow tang in my 75. They play together all the time. It's kinda neat watching them.
sorry man cant help you out there, no cyno in the tank.....You could always experiment, they only cost like 3 bucks for a pair at petsmart. Just be nice and acclimate them slowly, dont forget they are in freshwater at the store.