Monster sump upgrade

Brett. I don't know how long you had this sicknesses.My family had something like the flu.My wife had it for 3 weeks.It went into bronkitus
End up going to ER. Still sick.Hope you get better.
Bcavalli;1104427 wrote: Thanks guys. Don't laugh and I know it's overkill. My DT is a 120g, plus it feeds the 30g shallow frag tank.

Not laughing! Are you any kin to "Tim, the Toolman"? Nothings better than pre-planning for future upgrades."></a> Saves you time and a lot of money in the long run of things; especially when it comes to ReefKeeping. I've been planning my build for over 15 years now and counting. I have a lot of the tools needed for the project; now if I could only get the right house to build my Mancave; I mean Sump Room ;).

Fishlips;1104510 wrote: Brett. I don't know how long you had this sicknesses.My family had something like the flu.My wife had it for 3 weeks.It went into bronkitus
End up going to ER. Still sick.Hope you get better.

Thanks James. I appreciate it and I she feels better soon. It's been going on for a few weeks and it started with the flu. I finally went to the Doctor and they threw a bunch of meds at me. Lol. This junk just lingers and lingers. The doctor said its starts as flu and develops into bacterial. I pray no one else gets it.
WannabeeaReefKeeper;1104520 wrote: Not laughing! Are you any kin to "Tim, the Toolman"? Nothings better than pre-planning for future upgrades."></a> Saves you time and a lot of money in the long run of things; especially when it comes to ReefKeeping. I've been planning my build for over 15 years now and counting. I have a lot of the tools needed for the project; now if I could only get the right house to build my Mancave; I mean Sump Room ;).


You will get it done one of these days. :) I just got sick and tired of the mess of wiring and plumbing I created. Seeing Adams amazing setup got me motivated again.

Great link by the way! Lmao
It looks great (as I knew it would)!!! I've often read of individuals with bigger sump volumes than their makes perfect sense when you think about it. If only I had a basement...sigh!!
Now that I have 90% of the upgrade done I figured I would post some pictures of the upgrade.

I created one heck of a mess with wiring, plumbing and framing. I never was very handy. Lol. This hobby sure does force you to learn these basic skills. Thanks Marlon for helping me on the stand and Chris from Alien Ocean for cutting the baffles.

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Great job man, you finally have a sump the size of mine!

Im in the middle of repiping my whole system and moving some pumps. After 9 years of upgrades, cuts, patches, stuck valves and leaks it was just time.

I still wish I had taken the time to paint my stands like you did.
Thanks Ender Imreally appreciate it. I still need to get over to your place and see your system.
That looks better than I even pictured when I was over there! So awesome! Is that the frag tank from upstairs?
Mot;1106391 wrote: That looks better than I even pictured when I was over there! So awesome! Is that the frag tank from upstairs?

Thankyou Sir. I moved the fragtank down to the fish room so much more room. Lol
Bcavalli;1106394 wrote: Thankyou Sir. I moved the fragtank down to the fish room so much more room. Lol

You know what that means! :D Time to expand the display tank; now that the frag tank is out of the way. A much larger display tank is on the way :wow2: :wow2: .

WannabeeaReefKeeper;1106410 wrote: You know what that means! :D Time to expand the display tank; now that the frag tank is out of the way. A much larger display tank is on the way :wow2: :wow2: .


Lol. I'm happy wth a 120g DT another 60g means more water changes.