Monti Eating Nudibranchs???


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Well, I just put some new montis today into my tank that I bought from a store, and guess what pops out? These little white nudibranchs on my new montis. I had done an iodine dip on these montis previous to putting them into my tank...Has anybody had any experience w/ these guys before? They look just like the zooanthid eating ones except they are white. I think I'm going to try to use Flatworm Exit again, like I did for the zooanthid eating nudis... Wish me luck.
Yikes... hopefully the flatworm exit works... what is with the nudi invasion recently?
I picked up these nudibranchs on a monti frag I got from another person before Christmas. I also did an iodine dip, but they quickly spred to my other monti. I had to place them all in a QT. I then began treatment with iodine in a separate bucket every few days for a month and placed them back in the QT. The problem is that the iodine kills only the adults and not the eggs. So treatment is needed every fews days as the eggs hatch. Therefore you also must empty your tank of all your monti. No monti in the display tank and the little critters die of lack of food. I placed the corals back in the display tank yesterday. They were stressed and have lost their color, but the tissue is still present. I am hoping they will recover.
Good luck - they do alot of damage quickly

Here is a link for more info