More Pictures of my new corals

Sorry that Picture is of a Malinois that was my partner for 12 years I lost her summer Nov. because of cancer that was the longest day of my life she was more than a Police dog she was a friend she was a friend to her last breath of life I will never forget the tears in her eyes because she knew she was going to a new home a home without pain.
she took untold millions of dollars of drugs and drug money off the streets for that will always be the way I remember her that pose that she gave the day that picture was made she knew was the king
Oops, dropping my guard. New approved photos released by the TP....

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Oh, and Jgilley84, look at the thread titled "Why did you join the ARC." Youmay not be able to see it as it is in the ARC member section:"></a>

The majority of votes were not for the meetings or the discount, but for 'giving back' to the organization that gives us all this (the site, the members, the info, etc). Consider this when contemplaining joining, and look at Dawgdude, he lives in Athens and also does not reap many of the monetary benefits of the club, but is a member because he enjoys receiving and sharing information here on a site that is made possible by those dues (sorry if my assumptions are incorrect Charlie), and he is not the only one, as I could name several more. Hosting and maintaining this site alone is not cheap.

Also the money helps fund things for community outreach, contests, free stuff (like the frag meet in feb), and more than I probably even know.
corvettecris;205815 wrote: Oh, and Jgilley84, look at the thread titled "Why did you join the ARC." Youmay not be able to see it as it is in the ARC member section:"></a>

The majority of votes were not for the meetings or the discount, but for 'giving back' to the organization that gives us all this (the site, the members, the info, etc). Consider this when contemplaining joining, and look at Dawgdude, he lives in Athens and also does not reap many of the monetary benefits of the club, but is a member because he enjoys receiving and sharing information here on a site that is made possible by those dues (sorry if my assumptions are incorrect Charlie), and he is not the only one, as I could name several more. Hosting and maintaining this site alone is not cheap.

Also the money helps fund things for community outreach, contests, free stuff (like the frag meet in feb), and more than I probably even know.[/QUOTE]

well it just makes me mad people post stuff like that so sorry i re read what was said and i was out of line i have had a bad week sorry just nm me
Well you didnt bother me, and yes several people on here are jerks (maybe I am in someone's eyes). I'm not trying to sell you either way, but sometimes it is easy to everlook the non-monetary benefits of this organization, and I just wanted to point that out. I joined initially for frags and the discount, myself, but have gained so much more in retrospect.

When new to this hobby, I honestly think this site (if used appropriatly) pushes you far ahead of the curve compared to someone acting solely on the instructions they recieve from their LFS or even various web resources. The funny thing is, I think many people do not even realize how much more they have learned here in a relatively short amount of time, say compared to reading a 'how to' book, or just surfing the net for articles, etc. While those are good recources as well, this site truly is a fairly concise and effective way to learn a myriad of things that will save you money, stress, and time. And best of all, most everyone is somewhat local. If I want, I can ride over to one of several people's house and have them double check my water quality for me just to help me out. Ask Robert M. Fenner to do that.
But you know what gets my goat is this. I for one have been around the ARC since the start of the club I still have my charter member card somewhere Sure I missed out a couple years you really want to know why take a look at this post.
It starts with a member wanting to show off his tank because it looks really good then you have someone hijack the thread that thinks they know everything and makes wise a&^ comments just because they WORK at a fish store and think they know it all.
I deal with people like that everyday people that think they know it all. The mightyest thing in the world is not the swoard its the pen.
I know this because when someone makes a smart comment its just time to write more sometimes you got to sign on the bottom of what I
If you don't like what you see in someones tank PM them and don't post it on the board
Sorry to go off like this but this is the reason I stopped posting on this board for a while and I see it still goes on
I don't work at a fish store, and I agree with Steve. Since when are people not allowed to comment their opinion? He made a suggestion, which as rather accpeted, that tangs need a lot of room. I agree and think there is a lot of validity to that comment. Suddenly, he's a jerk??!! Thats silly.

This is an open forum about reefkeeping. If you post on it, you should be willing to follow the rules that EVERYONE agreed to when signing up, and you should be willing to accept the consequences and reactions of your posts. He' si right, there are a LOT fo people who agree with that principle.

I find it more outlandish to comment this:
Lets see I have had saltwater tanks now for lets say 30 years and have have tanks from 5 gals up to 200 gals So maybe I might know what I am doing.

Far be it from anyone to ever disagree with you and attempt to assist you ever again.

Pot meet kettle is right. A thread where people are bashing people who they believe are bashing. Laughable.
If what I said in the post earlyer offended anyone it was not ment in that manner it was ment to be about the hijacking of the theard to where when it was started it was about a nice looking tank then it got off to sounding like a bunch of 2nd grade kids fightiing in the sand box on the play ground.
This is my first urchin I was kinda scared of him to start with becuase of having stepped on one while diving in Fla (that hurt) I had never had one in a tank Now he is pretty cool I can put a little shrimp close to him and man you should see him move
NO more fish........
I knew when I rescued the tang that he would be the biggest part n this tank and that was what I planed for he now eats from my hand every day my wife calls him Sticker cause he is always at the front of the tank wanting something to eat.....
That is a awesome looking tank! I love the yellow tang, what do you think of mine?
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Thats not a Yellow tang thats a Small bream painted yellow you can tell us the truth I like I like
Had a friend that was being sent to Iraq for duty well seems his GF decided she would move in with another one of his close friends (thats another story) lol but anyway she did not tell him that she was leaving and when he found out he had go by his house and check on the tank everything was in the afterlife but this little guy who was hiding under a rock....I liked him so my friend told me keep him.....
That's a good looking tank so far. Think about a nice tall piece to go in to the center to eat up that space, as long as the elegance doesn't sting the holy bejesus out of it.

And speaking of elegance- have you had a lot of luck with them. I've always found them to require significant feedings of mysis to have any luck with them whatsoever.

And speaking of significant feedings- I need to send you a pic of the blue shoulder tang, that is the picture of health, we have in a nano at MRC. It's at least twice the biomass of your tang and in less water. The tank does get weekly water changes, though.