Most important Coral?


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Well I was at my local fish store the other day I was asking him about some of the different coral he has. Unfortunately there was one he couldn't name but said there was a gentleman that came in who belongs to a preservation organization and they focus on raising and propagating dying coral in the wild to be able to replenish and keep the species alive and was trying to get some from him for them to grow to be able to release back into the wild and I thought this was ether one of the coolest things ever or a great scam to get him to give up some coral.

I see a lot of posts on what's the best coral or what the prettiest coral but what would you guys say would be the most important coral for the survival of corals in general?

Side note, does anyone know anything about these preservation organizations?
Google the coral restoration foundation out of Key West. The club makes donations to them and we have had them come up and speak at some our meetings.

Also from what I heard most organizations do not want to put tank raised corals back into the wild.