Mounting corals?


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You guys are awesome and i cant thank everyone enough! I got a ton of frags last night, so many i dont even know where to start, lol :yay: . Ive had FOWLR for a few years now but just starting to mess with corals. Most of the stuff i got last night is on plugs, but a few of them are not. So my question is how to mount them. Should i just get a piece of my LR and break it into piece and glue to them? Just glue the whole plug down? What kind of glue? Did i hear just standard super glue during the demo last night? I figured itd have to be something different that would set underwater. Also, branching hammers and frogspawn, just stand them in the sand? Glue them to a rock also?
MustangCaleb;288784 wrote: You guys are awesome and i cant thank everyone enough! I got a ton of frags last night, so many i dont even know where to start, lol :yay: . Ive had FOWLR for a few years now but just starting to mess with corals. Most of the stuff i got last night is on plugs, but a few of them are not. So my question is how to mount them. Should i just get a piece of my LR and break it into piece and glue to them? Just glue the whole plug down? What kind of glue? Did i hear just standard super glue during the demo last night? I figured itd have to be something different that would set underwater. Also, branching hammers and frogspawn, just stand them in the sand? Glue them to a rock also?
I usually wedge frogs in where they will fit.. Super Glue Gel is easier to work with.. Gives you more time to get it right..You can use rubble from rock or plugs.. I prefer rubble myself
DrNecropolis;288788 wrote: I usually wedge frogs in where they will fit.. Super Glue Gel is easier to work with.. Gives you more time to get it right..You can use rubble from rock or plugs.. I prefer rubble myself

thanks bro! and one more time, whatd u recommend for that gsp again, lol! i told you... :D
MustangCaleb;288792 wrote: thanks bro! and one more time, whatd u recommend for that gsp again, lol! i told you... :D
Could always glue it down or it will mat itself down(eventually)
well how about whats on plugs? do u glue the plugs down, or remove the coral from the plugs and glue it straight to rubble? or does it even matter?
either/or--I epoxied mine to hold in-you can super glue as well-or just wedge it in a hole of the LR, but can slip out in time
I just use regular, i think all super glue is safe but don't quote me on that until I am corrected or its proven tru
Your best bet is the super glue gel at Dollar Tree. 3 tubes for $1. Works great!

For heavier duty stuff, you can get that AquaMend (I think?) epoxy that Home Depot sells. It's a 2 part epoxy stick that is seemingly the same stuff that the LFS sell for $10+ per stick, but it will only cost you about $5 at Home Depot.

I used to get frustrated with the epoxy since it seems to lose its "stickiness" once it hits the water... a trick I learned from Jin is to put a layer of super glue gel on either side of the blob of epoxy. I've been doing that and now everything stays where I put it, instead of breaking free the first time a hermit or some other thing bumps it.
i got a piece LR and put it in a plastic bag and hit it with a cement hammer. i got a few nice pieces of rubble that im going to glue the frags to. also i went by dollar tree and i found the super glue gel, 3 for $1.00, lol.

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which frags didn't come on plugs? some won't do so well trying to glue down. Looks like you're ready to go! I have so many plugs right now, my hubby made me a mag float frag rack until I decide where I want all of them. You could break the base of the plug off and glue the disc somewhere too. The super glue gel hardens on the outside when it hits water, so just squish it some to get to some fresh stuff.