Moving Aqaurium to the garage?


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Alrighty... Im looking for some advice on moving an aqaurium (3.5 hours away) and also input in temporarily putting it in the garage. Ill be moving it from Nashville TN to Douglasville. Its a 75gal with a sump. My current plan is to put all of the live rocks and water in large plastic bags and then place them in rubbermaid containers. There are no fish and very few corals at this point (dont let a family member keep your treasures!). Then I would leave the sand bed in the tank and just enough water to cover it. This would all go in the back of a pickup truck next week. Right now the temp should be in the high 70s to low 80s. Any sugestions?

When it gets here I plan on putting everything in the garage for a few months until I can get the new setup going. Im putting a 90gal in the wall and there just isnt time to get it going before the current tank gets here. The garage is not heated but I have 750 watts of HM and 1,000 watts of heaters for the tank, is there going to be an issue with it going in the garage through the holidays?

One other thought, does anyone have any comments on ALL GLass tank with the built in overflow. I was looking at a 90gal with the built in overflow. Its about $270 vs $130 for a 75gal without the built in overflow. Ive already got an external overflow but have heard that an internal overflow is a lot safer when it comesto water spills.

Thanks for the input,
You will probably need to move the tank without the sand. That tank is already heavy by itself. The extra weight added by leaving the sand and some water would not be worth the trouble or risk.
I only see a few concerns with keeping your tank in the garage. The first is the ambient temperature of the garage. If there was a power outage, how much time do you have before the tank temperature drops to an alarming temperature? The second concern would be the exhaust from the cars if they are parked inside. You would need to make you leave the garage open long enough to allow fresh air inside. If your garage has a vent fan that would help with the air exchange also.
I think you can get a 90g w/ overflow for about $230-$250 at Capp Bay. I'd double check with them to be sure though.
I don't think you can keep a 90 heated in a garage in december. I just don't think the heaters will be able to keep up.

YES, go with a tank with internal overflows. Much better setup. If you can swing it, get a 120 with the extra 6" front-to-back. The extra space front to back is nice.
Thanks for the replies, sorry for the delay and sorry for the horrible first post. I was heading out the door for a trip and wanted some input before the move.

To clarify a few things:

I will be removing the sand (thanks for the advice on that one, not sure what I was thinking).

A 90gal works great for the room, Id love a larger tank but the depth is an issue as its going in the dinning room. (the other half wont allow a 6ft long tank so thats out also!).

I was referring to the 90gal with overflow at Capp, I was just a bit off on the price.

For the overflow, other than looks does the corner/back overflow perform any differently? Also, does anyone use the 2nd hole in the overflow for a backup drain rather than water in? Would it be a good idea?

As for the move and the garage. There is only a cleanup crew and a few VERY hardy corals, no fish. Its basically now or never for the tank, My sister currently has it (was keeping it for me while I relocated for the past few years) and is getting new flooring so I must get the tank this weekend. There is no way I can be ready for the tank to go in the house at this point, I just moved into a new hours a few weeks ago and am going to build the tank into the wall so it will take some time. I plan to put the currnet 75gal in the garage until I can get the 90gal setup and installed. Im hoping this will only take a few weeks but Im looking at the possibility of it taking through the holidays.

Do plan on using the garage for your cars or will it be a storage room while you get settled in?
I was planning on putting the cars in the garage (well, only one) while this is going on. Are the fumes going to be an issue? Also, on that note there is a gas hot water heater in the garage, will that be an issue?
The fumes from the car and water heater could be a problem if you don't have proper ventilation. Opening the garage door will allow fresh air to move inside, but you will also let cold air in during the winter months. There are many hobbyists that have their equipment room in the garage, but it's important to have adequate heating and excellent air exchange.
air exchange is important for evaporation as well... dont want your car(s) rusting as a result of being in a salty high humid area
just pic a room in the house to put in temporarily you wont be able to keep the temp up in the garage the wife will understand if she doesnt get a new fumes are a good way to crash the whole tank as far as moving buckets and rubbermaids take everything with you is the best chance for success ive moved my tanks 3 times no death yet knock on wood