Moving Carpet


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Quick question....I have a carpet that wasnt looking so great...I got up this morning and HE decided to move about 3 inches upwards and about 4 inches back...He seems much better. Problem is I had to move to coral that was fragged because he was wayyyyyy to close (almost on top of), no big deal but after church this morning he moved even further back and may be too much on top of a purple mushroom. Mushroom just appeared out of LR but is pretty...hes attached...what do I do? Let it be and see if he moves or will he kill teh shroom?

Sorry for the Newbness
You could try pointing a powerhead at him and see if he will move.If not you may just have to cut the mushroom or let it be and see what happens.
i dont know if that will work so much, carpets almost like flow, you could try it tho....i currently have my green carpet stuck to my finger (was trying to get him out for Raj) Man good thing the sting from these things dont bother me.....going on 25 minutes stuck to ths thing.
He seems to be doing much much better there, thats my concern. Its only a 24 gallon so theres not many places he could go without doing more harm than

Im not sure what to do with the shrrom..Ive never dismounted one or fragged anything (have no idea how). So thats my dilemma...Hate being a Newbie
nah no worries thats what were all here for. IMO if youre gonna keep the carpet on that tank, dont put anyhing else in there that you really care for. Carpets have an extremely potent sting and will kill pretty much everything it touches. And not to mention it will get very large!
Nooooooo Thats not good then...anyone have something theyd like to trade for my carpet...last thing I want to do is kill anything...rather give him up than lose any corals.. :(
This is him...he eats raw shrimp also..
