Moving everything from a 55 to a 75 HOW?


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I'm still new to this hobby and I have a 55gal thats been set up since March and I just got a 75gal so I would have more room for stuff I want to add as time goes on and I was wondering how I need to go about moving everything from the 55 to the 75? What kinda of process do I need to go through to do this so I make sure everything stayed happy and healthly from one tank to the other.
Use new sand, fill the new tank and get all the parameters RIGHT (meaning the same as your old water) before you move any livestock (temp, pH, SG etc). Then move the rock and once the cloudy water clears, fish and corals. If done right, this is no harder on anything than doing a 100% water change.

Some people advocate using some of the old water, but I think it's unnecessary and not the best way. If you NEED to use some because of logistics (unable to make 75g of new water, for example) then use the minimum.
cr500_af;664527 wrote: Use new sand, fill the new tank and get all the parameters RIGHT (meaning the same as your old water) before you move any livestock (temp, pH, SG etc). Then move the rock and once the cloudy water clears, fish and corals. If done right, this is no harder on anything than doing a 100% water change.

Some people advocate using some of the old water, but I think it's unnecessary and not the best way. If you NEED to use some because of logistics (unable to make 75g of new water, for example) then use the minimum.


but also supply some seachem stability & bio-gest....imho.
I am about to do a large move over as well. As already stated, these will my guidelines as well. As much as it doesn't feel like the right way, it will be the best way.
What would happen if I just used the sand that is already in my 55? My lfs said to just transfer everything over with my old sand and not to buy new.
LittleClownfish11;664627 wrote: What would happen if I just used the sand that is already in my 55? My lfs said to just transfer everything over with my old sand and not to buy new.


could cause a crash....

coolsurf;664611 wrote: I am about to do a large move over as well. As already stated, these will my guidelines as well. As much as it doesn't feel like the right way, it will be the best way.

adding a little old tank water to supply some bacteria would be fine. Also, I would add some seachem stability.
LittleClownfish11;664629 wrote: How much old water is safe to move from my 55 to my 75? and how much should be new.

not much. 2-5 gallons tops.....
The only way to use the old sand without risking a crash would be to remove it and thouroughly wash it. Basically, kill the live sand.
i'm moving from a 55G to a 125G this weekend and i'm following the exact same process so its not safe to pump some of the old water into the new tank? i have the new tank about 2/3s full with ro/di saltwater i was gonna use the rest from the 55G is that safe?
Qasimja;664636 wrote: i'm moving from a 55G to a 125G this weekend and i'm following the exact same process so its not safe to pump some of the old water into the new tank? i have the new tank about 2/3s full with ro/di saltwater i was gonna use the rest from the 55G is that safe?

see post #8....:doh:
2-5 gallons? what happens if you use more?

Edit: i ask because this process of filling up this 125G seems like its taking forever lol
Qasimja;664641 wrote: 2-5 gallons? what happens if you use more?

Edit: i ask because this process of filling up this 125G seems like its taking forever lol

see post #2
ah so its all about personal preference gotcha Thanks
Qasimja;664641 wrote: 2-5 gallons? what happens if you use more?

Edit: i ask because this process of filling up this 125G seems like its taking forever lol

LOL It is a hobby of patience :D
so should I just rinse my current sand really well with freshwater and then I can put it in the 75 or is there anything else i need to do to it ?
yea if you want to reuse it just rince it really well
Another Question if I put new sand in the 75 wouldnt I technically have to wait for the tank to cycle for a couple of weeks? before I moved all my fish and anemones over?
LittleClownfish11;664693 wrote: Another Question if I put new sand in the 75 wouldnt I technically have to wait for the tank to cycle for a couple of weeks? before I moved all my fish and anemones over?

nope...that's the point of these answers is to avoid a cycle/crash......

Seachem Stability
new sand
new water with same parems as old water
move as quickly as possible.