Moving To Atlanta - Dunwoody/Sandy Springs


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Hi all. Looks like I might be moving to Atlanta in the late spring / early summer and so I thought I would join your club and lurk around a bit. While its not final yet, I think I'll be in either Sandy Springs/Dunwoody. Any good LFS recommendations around that general area?

I need something to look forward to as breaking down my current tank and selling my prized possessions has me a bit depressed.

There are plenty of great stores around you. Just check out our sponsor page and it will tell you exactly where each is.
Thanks Skriz !! I hadn't made it to that page yet. Certainly a lot more than I have available in NY right now.
Welcome, Good luck with the move down here. There is alot of great info on the ARC
Sandy springs is a great place to live and you'll be in the middle of everything. 10 minutes to marine fish or Einstein.
Excellent news and thanks all. Now if I could only figure out how to get my Potter's Wrasse to travel well, I'd be completely happy. I'm going to miss him most so I have to find him a good home here in NY before I go.
Awesome fish. You can send him to me :). I have one as well and can hold him for you if you need.
Thanks FutureInterest, I'll keep that in mind. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around breaking down my tank and then getting re-setup again. One part of me wants a completely fresh start while the other part wants to keep as much as I can. Not sure yet which way I'm going to go.
If you want to keep your stuff, you can look at making a deal with some of the local pros, to maybe house the pcs. you want most, then send it down and they can give them back to you when your ready.
Thanks all for the kind offers to help me out as well as the warm welcomes to the club. There are a couple of things I'd like to take with me so as soon as I've got myself closer to the moving day, I'll get in touch to see about some help.

This seems like a really great club and so I look forward to getting more active once I make the move.

Thanks all.
Alright! Another NY-er! We've been here awhile but originally from NY (Whestchester area) Welcome to the club! Good luck with the move. When you are ready, we can hook you up with some frags, etc.
