Murphy's Law on Fish Traps


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Today, I was trying to catch the Orchid Dottyback in my 210 to move in to the 25G breeder tank. Every time I try and catch a fish, it seems like EVERY OTHER FISH IN THE TANK goes in to the trap except the one I want to catch!!! :doh:

Today was no exception. I still am trying to catch the dottyback, but if I wanted to trap my Leopard Wrasse, I'm sure that it would have avoided the trap as well. However, it decided to spend most of the day in the trap. On the bright side, atleast I know he are well today! Here are a few pics of the trap and the stupid Orchid Dottyback watching the Leopard Wrasse eat!


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HA! He's sitting in the trap as I type this! I need him to stay OUT of the trap!
truly amazed....when I borrowed Jins fish trap, none of my fish would even go near it! Oh well, the whole turn the lights on at 2am to catch a stunned fish works for me. Good luck man....and that leopard wrasse is absolutely beautiful!
glxtrix;271679 wrote: truly amazed....when I borrowed Jins fish trap, none of my fish would even go near it! Oh well, the whole turn the lights on at 2am to catch a stunned fish works for me. Good luck man....and that leopard wrasse is absolutely beautiful!

Thanks! My fish love the trap. Of course, it helps that there is live brine in it! :D

I love the wrasse too! They are stunning fish.
Nice! The dotty back wants the food... It almost looks like he's drooling in that one pic. :)

Keep it up and i'm sure he'll eventually figure out how to get in there! The wrasse has to sleep sometime afterall...
It's amazing that all my other fish can figure out how to get in the trap..even my Spotted Mandarin has been in there eating. The Orchid Dottyback hits at the food from the side, under the trap, the top but won't go the six inches to the opening! I know he will figure it out eventually, but it's pretty funny!
When you get that pair of flame angels in the trap, let me know and I'll stop by to take them off your hands...

Some fish are just smarter than others... Dottybacks have to get by on their looks and mean dispositions :). I wonder if its related to the dottyback being the product of many brother/sister pairings as I imagine its tank raised?
It is tank raised... I think it's more darwinian than that though. The dottyback is making a direct move towards the food and then retreating back to the safety of the reef, mostly because there is one big arse mean Neon Dottyback that puts the orchid in it's place if there is food on the table! It's survival of the fittest.

Linda Lee;271723 wrote: When you get that pair of flame angels in the trap, let me know and I'll stop by to take them off your hands...


Too bad the Flames are staying out of the trap! :D

mysterybox;271769 wrote: what species is that? MM?

I think it is Macropharyngodon meleagris. To be honest, I have not been able to 100% ID. Any others out there want to chime in? Male M. meleagris typically have some pattern in the face and head, that this one is lacking. I'm wondering if it's an age related thing?

It doesn't quite look right for negrosensis either. I looked at geoffroy too and thought it might be that species also. Just not sure!
Thats not a Macropharyngodon sp., But an Anampses sp, to me. Maybe melanurus or lineatus. But I think its definitely a Anampses.
bobz;271675 wrote: Today, I was trying to catch the Orchid Dottyback in my 210 to move in to the 25G breeder tank. Every time I try and catch a fish, it seems like EVERY OTHER FISH IN THE TANK goes in to the trap except the one I want to catch!!! :doh:

Today was no exception. I still am trying to catch the dottyback, but if I wanted to trap my Leopard Wrasse, I'm sure that it would have avoided the trap as well. However, it decided to spend most of the day in the trap. On the bright side, atleast I know he are well today! Here are a few pics of the trap and the stupid Orchid Dottyback watching the Leopard Wrasse eat!


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hat kind of fish is that on the 4th pic on the right side(i.e. red)?