Mushrooms dying

So I finally got my Hannah alkalinity checker in and it turns out I'm actually at 7.0 versus the 10.0 my red Sea kit was reading. I'm assuming for softies and LPS this would still be sufficient. I did get my salinity up to 1.025 and all of my other parameters are still good. some of the mushrooms still don't look too happy so I moved a couple of them to lower light areas. We'll see how it goes
I found when my trumpets and discos aren't doing well it's because of low nutrients. Running a mixed reef is hard but I have one side of my tank with barely any flow that i feed in - my acans, gonis, trumpets, and shrooms are all on that side. As well as anemones and anything else that eats. They did much better once I set it up like that.
Never thought of that
So I finally got my Hannah alkalinity checker in and it turns out I'm actually at 7.0 versus the 10.0 my red Sea kit was reading. I'm assuming for softies and LPS this would still be sufficient. I did get my salinity up to 1.025 and all of my other parameters are still good. some of the mushrooms still don't look too happy so I moved a couple of them to lower light areas. We'll see how it goes

7 and 10 are very far apart readings, did you double and triple check with both test kits?
So I did the red Sea again and adjusted for the stupid air bubble which I think I was forgetting to do. If I adjusted properly then it's reading 7 as well. Anybody think this is enough to try to bring the alkalinity up over?
Sure did. I must really be messing up the red Sea testing though. Gonna try it one more time
If that’s the case, how would you know for certain that Red Sea isn’t the correct test? If you’re only using two tests, which each give you consistent but drastically differing results, that could be a recipe for disaster. It would be wise to verify which is correct before taking any action.
it makes me wonder if that seven alkalinity is what killed my slimer a couple of months ago
So I did the red Sea again and adjusted for the stupid air bubble which I think I was forgetting to do. If I adjusted properly then it's reading 7 as well. Anybody think this is enough to try to bring the alkalinity up over?

Glad to hear it! 7 is pretty low, but not terribly so. I’d start the process of slowly raising it. Opinions differ, but I’d shoot for 8.4 dkH. Whatever you do, don’t raise it too quickly. Aim for 0.25-0.35 dkH per day
Well I figured out what was wrong with my mushrooms. Too much stinking light. I didn't realize these kessils packed that much of a punch on the sand bed. I moved them almost into complete shade and they're both big and happy