My 180 is up and running! (pics)


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So, I had grand aspirations to commandeer a giant build thread, documenting every little detail of this tank and my transition from my cramped 72 gallon. I quickly found out that this project I was so giddy about was 200 times more stressful and difficult than I imagined. Needless to say, the camera was put away and the last thing on my mind was keeping notes. If anything, valium was on my mind! haha. I was burned out on the hobby for a few days after dealing with this, and letting go of my borderline fanatical perfectionism was NOT easy. It still isn't quite dialed in.

Luckily it all came together and it's been up and running for about 4 days. My buddy reggie (reeferman here) was a big help, and I couldn't have done it without him. I didn't lose one coral or one fish.

So, here are a few pics!

The tank, still needs some trim work

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The lights, had to redo a lot of it and install fans

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The sump, RO 3000 XS skimmer

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Horribly mangled mess of a electrical system. Amazingly, it all works...

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Full view

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Side view

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Good polyp extension so far...

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New and improved zoa garden!

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Tyree pink made it!

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very nice Ryan!im glad it all came out so well.i was kinda worried when i didnt hear from you for a couple days!cant wait to get by there and see it all cleared up.
reeferman;626805 wrote: very nice Ryan!im glad it all came out so well.i was kinda worried when i didnt hear from you for a couple days!cant wait to get by there and see it all cleared up.

Lol no one heard from me for a couple of days. Never thought it could have been as exhausting as it was.:yuk:
Great job setting up the new system, I love the way you aquascaped everything! Nice selection of corals too, very nice :thumbs:

How long did it take to transfer everything over from the old system?
JeffMuse;626809 wrote: Great job setting up the new system, I love the way you aquascaped everything! Nice selection of corals too, very nice :thumbs:

How long did it take to transfer everything over from the old system?

The actual transfer process of rock wasn't bad...we did that in like 20-30 minutes and aquascaped it.

The corals took eons to all transfer, epoxy, glue, place, etc. That part was the worst.
Mass Kreation;626853 wrote: WOW. I bet it looked pretty packed with all those nice corals

lol, to say the least. I would NEVER squish too many fish in a system; in fact, I like to keep a small amount of fish. Coral on the other hand...:confused2:
I noticed that there weren't a ton of fish in there. That seems to be a heated subject as of late. The Midas blenny is my fav. If you wanna frag any of that chalice when it grows out, I'd love to get some from ya!
WOW... that pink tyree (the last pic) is RIDUNCULOUS! gorgeous tank bro. I want to be like you when I grow up.
Rskillz;626854 wrote: lol, to say the least. I would NEVER squish too many fish in a system; in fact, I like to keep a small amount of fish. Coral on the other hand...:confused2:

Looks great bro!!

I am a light on the fish, heavy on coral myself!
Thanks for the kind words. As for fish, I'm suddenly wanting to add a few.

On my short list;

Mystery Wrasse
Flame Wrasse pair
Longnose hawkfish
Blue-spot jawfish (wary of this guy, high mortality rates, disease, etc)
Starry Blenny (heard they are super mean though =/
Bellus Angelfish

Any thoughts?
not knocking by any means but the wrasses and angel are warm water and the bluespot jawfish is cooler water (if I'm wrong, someone please correct me). Please consider a yellow head or pearly instead and then you won't have to worry about a mortality rate to start off with...oh, and I'm heck of impressed with the 72 and even more so now with this one! I saw you 72 before deciding to buy mine.
rjrgroup;627468 wrote: not knocking by any means but the wrasses and angel are warm water and the bluespot jawfish is cooler water (if I'm wrong, someone please correct me). Please consider a yellow head or pearly instead and then you won't have to worry about a mortality rate to start off with...oh, and I'm heck of impressed with the 72 and even more so now with this one! I saw you 72 before deciding to buy mine.

Well, I have a bluespot on the way, and my temps are maxing out at 79 now, so it should be fine. Holding off on wrasses and Angels.
From the research I had done awhile back, recommended temp was 73. I'm sorry, I'll just shut-up now...:D Or...I wonder if you could figure out a way to slightly chill the bottom of the tank/sand bed??????? They do spend most of their time there...:tapedshut: