My 90 gal mixed reef tank


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<span style="font-family: Arial Black;">I thought I would post some pics of my tank. I know how everyone loves pics. I purchased my set-up from a member back in 2008. We moved it in febuary( 2008 ) with no losses to any livestock. It was my 1st marine tank. I still have 4 fish,1 coral banded shrimp, a green carpet anemone and most of my coral from the original move. I've changed the rock around a few times and all the equipment has been replaced along the way but for the most part I've left it alone and just let it develope. I do not dose anything , just 10% water changes on a weekly basis.
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Love it. Very nice. Love the pipe fish. Been thinking about getting one of those.
I think he is talking about the hawkfish when he refered to a pipefish. I use instant ocean salt. Thanks again for the compliments. It can be a very expensive hobby but you really don't have to buy the best of the best to have a nice tank as long as you are faithful with your water changes and move along slowly. I owe alot to the people on this forum for good advise.
Hay give me a break. I am old. LOL. Plus I am not supposed to think on Sunday. :-)
Cool, amazed that you don't dose anything and that you use that salt, good success with out to much expensive stuff !
Great tank! That female maroon clown looks huge, how old is she?

Edit: Great tank! That female maroon clown looks huge, how old is she?
The female clown, the pair actually are about 6 1/2 years old. She is the dominant fish in the tank but because most of the fish have been together for a while now, I have no issues with behavior. The only time she becomes a little aggressive is when they are nesting. My favorite fish in the tank.
Tank is looking really good, Jim! Everyone..these pics do not do this tank justice at all. It is beautiful in person :D