My Banggais spawned (pics)


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The male, on the right, is carrying a pouch of eggs in his mouth. The eggs will incubate in daddy's mouth for 21 days. Poor daddy can't eat any food for the entire period. He just looks longingly at the food.

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Here is FTS and side view of my 20L:

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tank looks beautiful!

what lighting are you using? What camera/settings for the pics?

Congrats on the babies!
Wow Jean that is freaking cool! It's ok though that he doesn't eat... its not like you ever feed your fish anyways :).
I've always wanted a pair just for that whole breeding aspect

the fry are not terribly hard to raise either
No fry to see yet, your eyes are fine :). They are mouth brooders Stroid. The male is the one that has the puffed out jawline because he is holding all the eggs in his mouth. Pretty darned cool!
yeah i read that but i guess i expected to see more lol pretty cool
Stroid, when the male Banggai yawns, which he will do often to toggle the eggs in his mouth, he will look like this:
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And after 21 days, he will release bunch of tiny fries:

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The tank is lit with a 150W sunpod with stock 14K bulb. The fixture is suspended 6 inches above water. The camera is a simple point and shoot Canon SD630, manual setting, -2 exposure, high floresent. No photo editing.

The male ate a lot before spawning, so he could live without food for a long while. But there is a chance he becomes so hungry he might swallow the eggs or spit them out to go for food. But they are programmed to be like this for 21 days.
Very cool! I used to be into FW and many of the African Cichlids breed the same way. Really fascinating thumbs up for the pictures and explanation.
Andy, unfortunately I don't plan to raise the fries. They require a separate system and live baby brine shrimps for food. I am hoping he won't carry this first batch to term so I don't have to face the inevitable.

Alan, you can start off with 3 Banggais, and 2 will pair off and you can return the 3rd before it's bullied to death. I got these 2 from a LFS - they have 3 dozens or so schooling together, but these 2 were swimming side by side all the time, separate from the rest of the group. So I picked the two.
Hey JJW, If they do reach term I'd like some, I have 3 tanks and only one has fish, the rest are live rock and sand, I'll be upgrading to a +125 gal soon, just hit a financial bump on the road that screwed stuff for me at the moment.......
If he does carry them to term.. I'd like some fry, please! I already have to feed the seahorses baby brine, so I'd be more than happy to help raise those babies!

Can pay if you want!