My damsel has gone crazy!


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Okay guys what causes a fish to do this. Today I bought some more live rock for my tank and decided to rearrange a few things. So I moved some of the rock around, which stirred up some dust. About 30 minutes later after the dust had settled I was watching and my yellow tail damsel was swimming as normal an then all of a sudden dive bombed a piece of rock sat there for a second and then went back to normal like nothing happened. All Was well until about 30 minutes ago during feeding. I drop some food in he comes out of his cave as normal to eat then start swimming in circles like he is chasing his tail, swims straight up, dive bombs the ground, goes back into the cave and never ate. I'm a little concerned at the moment. He looks fine, good color, no sign of parasites.
Sounds like an Auburn graduate, That's his war eagle move. Have you lifted the rock and checked for a hitchhicker he may see something you don't?
The only hitchhiker I've found was a peppermint shrimp and a couple of bristle worms. But your right he could just be concerned with the current shape of the football program, but thats another topic entirely.:doh:
Mine loves to push and move any new frag I add to the tank. His name is Satan's Little Helper. Definitely like his home the way it is
heh... I got one of the Blue Devils... He moves snails or crabs that get in his territory. He attacks me anytime i stick my hand in the tank, and he isnt afraid of the net or biting through it... Ok, maybe I made the last part up. But, he sure is an agressive sucker that bullies all of my fish and will move sand, rock, coral or whatever doesnt suit him at that particular moment. I imagine yours is trying to move that rock because its not fond of it.
Well, he obviously had something wrong with him, I found him dead yesterday morning. The hermit crabs didnt seem to mind. But I am now salt water fishless. Just got a tank of crabs, shrimp, snails and live rock.:bash2:
Barbara;319632 wrote: Bummer! Sorry for your loss. What size tank? This may give you an opportunity to go in a different direction with your livestock now.... if we can find a bright side...

Its a 30 gallon tall hex tank. I know I was thinking about the opportunities too. Its just a bummer I he was my first marine fish. :shout:
He might have just injured himself being a the snotty little damsel that he was! Like barb said, good time to plan out which fish you want to have and go pick up the more peaceful of your choices.
Did you check your water for ammonia after you added the new live rock and stirred up the sand bed detritus. You may have caused a spike and the fish was suffering from the toxic ammonia. Was the live rock cured?
Yep it was cured and only took me 10 mins to take home from fish scales. I stirred up some sand and thought that could have caused a spike so I checked. There was some but nothing major.

Thanks for the insight!
Sometimes you never know. I would let teh tank and new rock settle for a week or two before replacing him though. Just to be extra sure.