My GBTA is M~A~G~I~C!


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I posted some time ago about my tiny GBTA (about the size of a quarter) closeing up and moving into hiding.

Well, I could never find it, and it never resurfaced, so I assumed it was dead.

This morning, I was checking to see if anything 'new' was in the tank, and on the side/back of the tank, I saw this TINY (about half the size of my pinky nail) bubbly thing. It looked like a bta that had just eaten and was all closed up and poofy. I got all excited that it may possibly be the rouge anemone and called Dennis over to look. He agreed. I was gonna wait until it did something- anything before I got too worked up.

We went to the gym and came home (about an hour) and Dennis checked again- My ADD butt had forgotten already... It was all open and bubbley!! Teeny Tiney bubbles, but bubbles nonetheless!!

I haven't been this excited since- ok, i don't know when- is that sad, or what?

But anyway, it looks kinda pinkish right now, but it's getting light and some flow- so we shall see.

I just had to share... no one else that I know would appreciate this except you guys :up:
That's what this goober did in the 90- It was green under the PCs.. When we got the MHs- it bleached out white, and since then, it was never right.

It never took food either- I'd try tiny pieces of krill or mysis, and it would release them after a second if it even grabbed them at all :(

Here's hoping your guy is gonna be fine!