My New AquaIllumination Led Fixture

Hi guys,
Here are a few pics of mine set up over my 60 gallon cube. I also have some PAR readings to share, basically some full intensity readings of the AI vs the metal halide, and then some of my preferred settings for color AI vs the dimmed halide light.

Right now, here are some pics of the light over my tank and a bleached War coral and bleached Blasto caused by the AI LEDs.
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Looking forward to some par numbers. I would love to have a par meter for when mine shows up. I am going to try using one module turned sideways on my 45G cube. Should be interesting.
ares;464935 wrote: the coral pic kinda looks like its got a spotlight of intensity there? camera playing tricks?

I think it is the camera. Very little spotlighting with these AI modules at the height I have them at. Take it 2-3 inches above the water and you get spotlighting, but here is nice dispersion 6+ inches above the water.