My oscar came back to life...


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I walked into my room and I noticed my fish tank had a little ick from the new electric blue jack I just purchased. And my oscar was acting like he was dying and the other fish were picking at him because he was laying down. So I read to put him in a bucket with a heater and air stone so I did that. I woke up and he was laying next to the bucket on the carpet all dried up. So i just put him back in his bucket in shock of what to do. I went down stairs to get a bag to put him in and when i came back he was ALIVE! I have continued to keep him in his bucket and he laid on the bottom breathing slowly for 2 days. Now every once in a while he gets up and tries to swim. Is there something I can put in his water to help him? He has some scale damage and has lost his slime coat and has foggy eyes. Please help me guys... I dont want to see him suffer..:sad:
I would say some Stress Coat for sure with heavy aeration. A bigger body of water would be helpful. Maybe somebody has a 20 gallon tank you can borrow.
Ill try to find a tank, if i change the water everyday do i still have to put him in something bigger.

Edit: Just running out of room and tank resources
I am a ways, but I have a 10 Gallon you can have.. I probably have a HOB filter to give you as well. And some metro would not hurt either,,,
I got a 20 gallon from my friend and put a filter and a airstone with him. He is doing much better, I added some tetracycline to his aquarium and he has perked up so much. This is a miracle!!