My reef journey

wantsummora acropora

Well-Known Member
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Hey all,
I'm coming up on the 1 year anniversary of having a cycled tank and my first fish. This has been a humbling experience. First, I want to apologize to anyone I may have offended, I can be quite opinionated at times but I will do better. The successes I have had up to this point I owe to caring people in this club and for that reason I will continue to be a supporting member as long as I am in this hobby. This reefing journey has been one of the most difficult, frustrating and resource intensive projects I have ever done and I have loved every minute of it. I was hoping to be able to show you my entire setup on my reef anniversary but the hardware side won't be ready (still a hot mess). I will show my tank though. It is not spectacular and has some visible issues but it is mine and my work.
A special thanks to Ichthyoid, Sharis100, ActiveAngel, Imm1967, Shawn, Brian (bg2311) and others I know I've missed.
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