my tank

wbholwell;42833 wrote: Hey, Nishant, i have a 72 bowfront, but I'm not sure what you mean. Why do you feel it's hard to get a "clean-looking setup?"

BTW, I didn't like them at first, but I got a great deal on mine, and I really like it now. It looks larger than a 75.

I dunno exactly what it is about it, but i think its alot of the time aquascaping it is just kind of wierd sometimes so that it becomes hard to clean certain areas. maybe the bow magnifies certain spots to make the rockwork look uneven or something.
btw i didnt mean to offend anyone with a bowfront tank, its just my personal preferance.
Nishant3789;43079 wrote: I dunno exactly what it is about it, but i think its alot of the time aquascaping it is just kind of wierd sometimes so that it becomes hard to clean certain areas. maybe the bow magnifies certain spots to make the rockwork look uneven or something.
btw i didnt mean to offend anyone with a bowfront tank, its just my personal preferance.

No, absolutely no offense taken. When my tank gets a little more like I like it I'll post some pics of my aquascaping. But I know what you mean about the bow- you can't really get a great view of the entire tank at once.
yeah thats what it is, they just dont show up well in pictures, in person its a different story
leveldrummer;42905 wrote: i think it was a neon psuedo. the one you cant remember... (something like that anyway)

it's this guy
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Indigo Dottyback
Pseudochromis fridmani x Pseudochromis sankeyi.

The new fish is a hybrid dottyback of two species, Pseudochromis fridmani (orchid) and P. sankeyi (striped). Both are dottybacks from the Red Sea, but they're natural areas of population do not overlap. The behavior is more like P. sankeyi, not too agressive although they will chase each other like most dottybacks. It is best to feed them frozen shrimp, they will eat dry food, but they are small carnivores. They tend to stay visible in the aquarium, and don't hide in the rock all the time. These are the first Dottybacks to ever be hybridized and do not exist in the wild. We do not know yet whether they can breed themselves. We gave it the name "Indigo" because of it's deep blue color, which we didn't expect. They color up best in a reef tank. You can hold them together with no hiding palces and feed them well. Maybe this is a first look at what can be done with aquaculture and create new saltwater fish for aquariums. Paola by Reef International SAS

hey btw that 1 guy from that one place called me about those 1 clowns.... you know the ones. i ordered 4 lol i got that 40 breeder ret to go 4 when they get here.....
I wouldn't mind laying my hands on some of those turquisesk zoos.
dude i just checked it to see and it is all kindsa encrusted to that big arse rock it's on...


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Hey jason be on the look out for me a blue or purple table top acro please....skimmer is skimmin great preciate it.

The Tang Police are coming! The Tang Police are coming! We're all about to be gunned down senslessly on these 'reef streets'!
Looks good. With that great of a tank Im sure the tang is happy =D. Well great looking tank.