mysis shrimp at meeting for FREE


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I'm going to bring clumps of macroalgae infested with mysis shrimps and their eggs.

It is FREE, if you give me some of your macroalgea in return-this way i don't loose the stuff in my refugium

1 handful of algea with mysis for one handful of your algea without any flatworms or other nasty stuff.

If you want to buy then it is $3 for a handful to cover my cost.

I have 0 flat worms, Ich, bristleworms, or other strange stuff in my refugium. No need to dip in iodine beacuse it will kill the shrimp and their eggs.

I would love a clump. My entire mysis population bit the dust in my tank move. I'll gladly pay you since I mine is all but dead.
I will give you a bag of my chaeto with lots of pods in exchange. I want more bio diversity in my fuge.
I would like to buy some if possible. I need some pods and shrimp in my tank and I currently have almost zero macro in my sump. :sad:Thanks ouling
I'ma show up at exactly 7:30, maybe a bit earlier. I cannot keep up with PMs and I only do first person to rush me first serve. I'm bring 40 mixed wings to trade with something or it's $4 for 10 pcs. If anyone wants some please tell me!!

Who ever get to me first get the algea and the shrimps. I only have about 4-5 handful of them.

You can see the shrimps on my glass eating brown algea.

If you want me to seed your plants or rocks with mysis and pods please bring it and i'll leave it in my tank, give it back to you next meeting and you'll see 100+ shrimps on it. It is FREE.
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ouling;47086 wrote: ... If anyone wants some please tell me!!...

If you want me to seed your plants or rocks with mysis and pods please bring it and i'll leave it in my tank, give it back to you next meeting and you'll see 100+ shrimps on it. It is FREE.

I'll be bring some cheato and swap ya, but if it'd be easier to give it to you and then get it back to me at the July meeting, then that works for me too!

Great idea ouling! :up:
