Mystery of the missing fish

I'm going to just throw it out there. A ton of us are in the Atlanta area. Maybe someone lives near you and could come over and take a look, test water, etc.

Completely agree with what Jenn has said.
I purchased test kits for nitrates, nitrites and ammonia. The later two seemed okay but nitrates were sky high!???!!

I will post some pictures. Need to wait for the lights to cycle on this evening. I did post some in the Member Tanks forum with a thread titled My 425g tank.

My tank guy does not work for a store. He is a long time independent. He does obtain fish for me both locally and through a wholesaler in Miami.

Not sure there is any consistency in size. The biggest ones do seem to be "safe." Have lost all kinds, including a number of clownfish, which I had been told are pretty durable.

Thanks for everyone's assistance.
I spoke with Firstfish by PM and discussed a few suggestions.

Firstfish - if there is a member who lives in your area who's willing to come give a look, I'd take him/her up on it. A fresh pair of eyes seeing the tank can make a big difference, as well as running some additional tests, although nitrate has been identified as an issue, it may not be the only issue.

Clowns are generally durable but how many were in the tank at any given time? Even in a big tank they are very territorial, and if you've got more than 2 of the same specie, that can be a problem, and so can having an established pair and then introducing others, especially of a different specie.

What other kinds of fish have you lost?

Could be a compatibility issue as well as a water quality or predator issue.

IMO we're just scratching the surface here.

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Nice tank and very happy coral!

I'm sure this is not your main culprit, but in your 5 pic, the large elephant ear above your hammer coral will eat small fish fast. Especially if the fish is already weekend or sick. I've seen it happen in my own tank.
You wouldn't find any bodies in that case.

What is that in your last picture in the bottom half, with its mouth open?
Do you have any Maxi mini carpet anemones? They also eat fish!