Necessity of aquarium lid/hood/canopy


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Talking about the hinged glass covers. I am set to buy a set for my 90 gallon tank, but I see so many pictures and videos of folks not</em> using them, so I'm now wondering whether I need it or not.

I would appreciate y'all's opinion on that - whether you use them or not, and why.

I do plan on building a canopy/hood - honestly, which is which!? - to match the stand I finished this past weekend, if that makes a difference in the question.

Thanks in advance,

Not using them allows evaporative cooling, I've heard gas exchange, and ease of access. Plus it gets loaded down or covered in salt creep that causes light penetration issues.
I'm not an expert, but I believe it's more for aesthetics. Like you can use one to cover up light fixtures and wires, or use it to house additions light strips. Which is nice because right now with my tank I have a lot of light bleed from the gap between my tank and light that shines all over the floor.

Also, it can be used to prevent losing those jumpers.

I wouldn't say anyone need a canopy/hood. I prefer no hood/canopy, hence why my new tank is a rimless. I don't plan on any fish that jumps, and I don't mind hanging my light fixture. Annoying a bit the amount of light bleed though... But I'm ok with it considering the rimless look
I'm not sure I'd use glass covers on a reef tank. Too much maintenance IMO to keep them clean and we pay too much for our lights to nerf them by sticking something between them and the tank lol! They will tend to increase the tank temp, a good thing in the winter but unacceptable for most of us in the summer.

Mesh covers made from window screen frame and 1/4" mesh is very popular and what I use. I have a rimless cube and sized mine to fit just inside the aquarium. I can remove the screen and it's holders in 15 seconds if we have company coming over and I want to show off the tank.

I also have several jumpers though so I tend to leave it on.
I like the look of a hood which I use on my 90g. I have a fan in it for the summer that works great but it is a PITA to access the tank.
I'm going to build a top to match this stand I just finished - my question was about the hinged glass panels that fit into the recessed area between the tank rim and the center divider." alt="" />

It's gonna have to include some way to support the light fixture I bought, because the crummy wire "feet" that came with it won't properly sit atop the tank :angryfire:
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RedStang;1006436 wrote: Mesh covers made from window screen frame and 1/4" mesh is very popular and what I use.

+1 Go mesh over glass definitely. Heat and clarity/maint issues with glass. Run the 1/4" too. I ran the bigger mesh for a little bit and had 2 wrasses actually go through the holes. Still scratching my head that they made it through. Zero carpet surfers using 1/4". More fish jump than what you might think.

Also, no reason to not run mesh since you will be running a canopy. No aesthetic issue. Rimless & open tanks you have to make that call.
+1 on evap. I run a canopy as well as the glass tops to cut down on evaporation.I do clean then once a week though but You can not tell the diffrance looking at the tank with them on or off.