Need a bit of help and advice


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I am looking for someone with a copy of Edward Noga's book Fish Disease, Diagonsis and Treatment that is willing to sell, rent or let someone borrow the book. I can not find it anywhere locally at a library and quite frankly, $100 for a book is a bit much IMHO. Looks like, even after 6 weeks of QT, fresh water dips with Meth Blue and good tank conditions, I might have a battle with Ich on my hands. Advice from Bob Fenner is to obtain a copy of the book and a microscope and make sure it is Ich that I am up against.

Also, if anyone has a good track record with <span style="font-size: 12px;">
Ich, Chilodonella, or Oodinium</span>, I would love to hear some advice. The white bumps are only on a Yellow Tang and one of my Perc Clowns as of now. I am currently trying Garlic to see if they can kick it on thier own before trying copper based treatments.
I can lend you some Green Ex. I talk alot about this stuff because it always cures my tanks! I will let you borrow it if you can come pick it up. It isn't availible for sale anymore because the FDA will not approve it.