Need A Super Aggressive Macro Algae Eater

sj miller guy

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After buying a rock from one of the ATL stores and after a long process of choices, I've had an outbreak of macro algae that is EXTREMELY hard to control.

I purchased a yellow tang in the hopes of controlling it, but he just isn't cutting it.

I really need some good suggestions on macro eaters. I'm upgrading to my 90 gallon next weekend so I'll have some room.

The only suggestions I have so far are a Sailfin tang or Sohal tang.

Would an urchin do the trick? I've read on a few sites that they will eat macro algae, but I've also read quite a few negative things about having them in a tank.

I'd rather do an invert than a fish if they will in fact do the job.
It really does depend on the macro algae... I'm going to be recommending a type or rabbitfish or a type of tang depending on what macro it is.
It looks like a form of <span style="font-family: Arial;">Caulerpa.</span>
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<span style="font-family: Arial;">I have also read that the Naso is a great eater, however, I'm not so sure about putting one in a 90. I also know his time will be limited in that tank knowing that he will outgrow it.</span>
How about a Phosban reactor or something similar? This would be a good idea to run for a little while to starve the algae out. I made one for my tank for really cheap and it runs really well. :)
I had some kind of macro-algae growing on a rock I got from a LFS. I kind of liked it; it looked like a miniature patch of leaf lettuce. I added a Fishy Business CUC to my tank and the macro patch was wiped out by the next day.

I suspect it was an emerald crab that ate the patch. I knew mithrax crabs ate bubble algae, but I didn't know they liked macro. Do they? It could be that something else in my tank suddenly decided to eat that stuff after it had been in there a few weeks, but I suspect it was the crab. Other critters that came with the CUC were snails, hermits and a serpent star. Only fish in the tank at the time were a couple of damsels.
I don't believe a phosban reactor will work because it's macro not micro algae. I don't have really any other undesireable algae to speak of. It's just the plant type macro that is getting out of control.

Question about the naso....will my yellow hawaiian attack it? I know the naso is not an aggressive fish and the yellow is.

Anyone have experience with a clown tang? I know they also get large but they look awesome. More like the Sohal in my opinion. I know the sohal is a super aggressive macro eater and I'm just wondering what the clowns would do.
I don't think cutting back on the lights will help either. I've seen macro survive in a dark bucket full or tank water for weeks. The only chance of getting it out is finding livestock to take care of it. I have the same problem in my nano cube where adding a tang is not an option. It would be nice to find some inverts, dwarf angel or goby that eats macro.
Showtime305;77011 wrote: I don't think cutting back on the lights will help either. I've seen macro survive in a dark bucket full or tank water for weeks. The only chance of getting it out is finding livestock to take care of it. I have the same problem in my nano cube where adding a tang is not an option. It would be nice to find some inverts, dwarf angel or goby that eats macro.

Just make sure you get ahold of the problem because it gets out of hand quick. I do know that I've had blennies, crabs, snails, etc. and they don't touch it.
Perosnally, I dont think any tang that would eat caulerpa would be appropriate for even a 90. Sohals and clown are VERY aggressive and would definitely need more space, as would a naso. Personally, I think urchins would work well, asve they are bulldozers and will not show much mercy to aquaascaping. I'd say personally that a rabbitfish would be the best bet.
Linda Lee;76885 wrote: Only fish in the tank at the time were a couple of damsels.

Funny you say that Linda because I've seen my damsel eat macro and even nori sheets I put in the tank. I doubt that's what took out your algae, but they do nibble on it.
SJ Miller Guy;77091 wrote: Funny you say that Linda because I've seen my damsel eat macro and even nori sheets I put in the tank. I doubt that's what took out your algae, but they do nibble on it.

Could very well have been the damsels. Maybe when I put the CUC in the tank they suddenly decided to eat the macro they'd ignored for a couple weeks to keep the new inhabitants from getting it? Crazy li'l fishies... who knows how they *think* ?
