Based on those numbers the tank volume is 203 gallons. Depending on the amount and type rock used along with the sand depth you're going to lose 10 to 20% of that volume. Plus you're not going to fill it to the top. Giving an inch below the top puts you at roughly 196 gallons. Going mid-range at 15% loss on the rock and sand puts you at 167 gallons in the display. You'd want the total turn over to be a minimum of 5x, 835gph. The max would be around 10x or 1670gph.
You're not going to hit the min with one of those 1400gph pumps after head loss and cannot hit the max with both of them. With the plumbing head loss you'll be very lucky to get half of the pumps rating to the tank.
Internal flow with powerheads is a whole nother animal and depends on the type tank you plan on keeping. SPS dominant and/or mixed reef can be as high as 40 to 50x or 6680gph to 8350gph based on the volume you have.
You really should stop by and see my setup and anyone else's that are 180 and over. It will really save yourself a lot of headaches and wasted money.