Need help on temp swings on a 29gal


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I have had some dumb tempo swings on my tank, and I'm trying to see if I can minimize them. I usually sit at a very constant 79 deg, but yesterday i got home and found it at 72. This was crazy unusual, but has happened a time or two before.

Here's what I got:

29 gal w/ 10 gal sump, running 250W MH (with a standard fan that cuts on with the MH, blowing across the top of the tank), 2 100W Rena heaters in sump. No controller, just thermostatically controlled.

I'm thinking maybe a better heater/s might help.
I'd check your heaters, 200W for a 29GAL is definitely enough. I'd also start with cutting off the fan for now until it the summer months. What's the temp in the room where you have the tank?
I tend to agree...check to make sure they are working reason that what you have should let it drop that low...
Room temp usually stays around 75 deg, but I don't run the AC/heat hardly ever, day or night, so it varies with the weather. The fan I run because on a nice warm day temp can climb up to 80-82 on my tank when the MH comes on.

I have been thinking about getting a stealth, but I wasnt sure the heater was my problem, of if it is the varying weather temps.
submersible titanium heaters. they will be my next investment.

i'd get two, just in case one fails. nothing wrong with doubling up.
Have you thought about your temperature gauge being the problem? How far down in the tank and where in the tank is the temp. probe for reading? Have you felt the water when it drops to 72 degrees just to make sure it feels like 72 degrees and the temp. probe isn't bad? I only suggest this b/c I had this problem several months back and thought my tank was cooking itself to death but the water temp felt normal to the touch. I went out and got a new temp. probe and problem solved. Just by feel you will know the difference between 79 degrees (bath water) and 72 degrees.
Well, I have 2 thermometers. One is glass, the other is digital, both usually read close to the same, within 2 degrees.
I think you need one of these."></a>

I had one running on my 30 gallon finnex and my temp never swang more then a degree. I had 380 watts of light on top.
Come to think of it.... I still have this.:shades: The best part of it is the fact that you can plug the heater into the back of it and the thermostat in the unit will keep your temp right on.
Not too bad of a price either. Hmm, that would be the ideal solution.