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Will try to be brief:
day 1: noticed butterfly fish was swimming directly in front of my k3 fan, and trying to scratch his body on rocks and sand also had cloudy eye (didnt notice anything else wrong on body, still eating and swimming perfectly fine). Tested water all params were perfectly fine salinity and temp all good. Just to get 2nd opinion took water to be tested at LFS and they confirmed everything was good. I began treating as a parasite with copper power.

Day 2: no changes but noticed my angels fins were beginning to fray and "disappear". All still eating and swimming fine butterfly still acting the same.

Day 3: wake up and butterfly is dead. Pulled him out and the angels fins were significantly worse like gone. All still eating and swimming fine. Angel is now scratching his body on rocks

Day 4: no change

Day 5: Angel is dead (never showed signs of cloudy eye)

Day 6: no change at this point all other fish look good.

Day 7: just got home and my flame angel who was perfectly fine yesterday now has frayed looking fins... still eating perfectly fine

Other tank mates:
2 green chromis perfectly fine no issues
1 snowflake eel perfectly fine
1 zebra eel perfectly fine

The fin issue is not the eels nipping the fish are too big for them and this is deff not a bite look at all. I have a feeling i have a parasite i thought brookynella maybe? but didnt know if that causes fin rot? Tank been up and running for a year or so added fish over time, nothing new in the last 12 weeks or so....

Thanks for your time,
Wasnt sure how to edit but Day 7: I meant to add the flame that now has frayed fins ALSO has a cloudy eye
Not really a fish expert so I’ll let someone else comment hopefully
It sounds bacterial to me.

I would remove all fish, except the eel, to a hospital tank and treat with a combination of gram negative & gram positive antibiotics (since you don't know what it is).

You will need to treat them for at least 10 days and do daily water changes, plus adding more antibiotic to keep the treatment levels up.

Keep lights low to reduce stress. Keep the fish fed and vacuum up excess food during water changes. Keep the tank spotless.

Here's a guide for reference. You may want to bookmark this url for future use. If you don't already have one, you may want to consider investing in a UV filter.

Also, bacterial infection can be caused by stress, dirty water/conditions and/or due to parasites opening up opportunities for super infection from being in a weakened state.

FWIW, many/most of us either place fish in a quarantine tank for ~1 month prior to the display.
Or, do a prophylactic treatment in a hospital tank for bacteria and/or parasites first, prior to placing the fish in a display tank.
I'm guessing, this didn't happen?
I agree; sounds like bacterial but could be other form of parasite. I would definitely agree with removing all fish and treating them in a hospital tank for 1 month. During this time, going through a broad spectrum of treatments in the hospital tank. And allowing any of whatever is causing this to go through their life cycle and die-out in the absence of hosts.

Given that the infection is of unknown organism; I don’t have any thoughts as to ‘removing vs leaving’ the eel. If I had an extra tank; I would consider quarantining the eel separately during this time in a third tank.
Thank you guys for the input, I am working on getting a hospital tank set up. I hope to have all supplies necessary for that tomorrow.

Update: Today the flames fins look much worse, Also (this is the first time i have seen this) his belly is very swollen. I am kind of at a loss for words now. I feel like I am getting such a wide mix of symptoms that dont all necessarily point to the same thing....

Besides hospital and doing what i can by dosing different meds. Should i start running carbon? should i skim more wet? do multiple water changes? Anything else you guys suggest?

I wasnt doing water changes right now because i was dosing with copper and wanted to try and let that run its course thinking this was strictly parasitic but to me that has done absolutely noting.
Thanks again for yalls time and input i greatly appreciate it!
Thank you guys for the input, I am working on getting a hospital tank set up. I hope to have all supplies necessary for that tomorrow.

Update: Today the flames fins look much worse, Also (this is the first time i have seen this) his belly is very swollen. I am kind of at a loss for words now. I feel like I am getting such a wide mix of symptoms that dont all necessarily point to the same thing....

Besides hospital and doing what i can by dosing different meds. Should i start running carbon? should i skim more wet? do multiple water changes? Anything else you guys suggest?

I wasnt doing water changes right now because i was dosing with copper and wanted to try and let that run its course thinking this was strictly parasitic but to me that has done absolutely noting.
Thanks again for yalls time and input i greatly appreciate it!
Are you testing your copper levels to be sure you have them (and are keeping them) at the proper level?
I was yes.

After looking today the flame is showing almost every symptom of the fin and tail rot, reddish in the gills, cloudy eye, swollen stomach, heavy breathing...

What do you guys suggest for fin and tail rot? Unless I am wrong i think that is the first place I am going to start with treatment now
Both a gram negative and a gram positive antibiotic, in combination.
Fin & tail rot is bacterial.
One of the problems when treating infection is that, if you treat one type but not the other, they often get the other too (due to their weakened state).
Gotcha that makes perfect sense. Thanks again for the help will update after i treat