need help with aquascape


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ok i need to reaquascape my entire tank and need help of someone that knows what they are doing any body want to come help i really really suck at it thanks victor
the funny thing about aquascaping is that its so personal......some ppl love it loaded with rocks and some ppl like not too much rock and lots of open space....

I like to think I am good at it and I really love aquascapping (its one of my favorite parts of the hobby) but I am sure some people see my tank and don't like it.....

anyway victor, point be glad to help out but if you dont like it when were done....well, too bad...haha.

Im gone this weekend coming up but ill be here the one after that.
lol thats cool im trying to get this out the way asap im tired of messing eith my tank lol cause i absalutly hate my aquascaping mor and more every day it looks to empy....or better yet it looks false i want a more natural look but need help in doing so
Post pics in this thread so we can help give you ideas. The biggest mistake I've seen in rock work is keeping the rock pile too low.

Other than that, I have nothing to offer you as my rocks look like a brick wall with only 2 puny caves to open it up.
Dakota9;103900 wrote: Post pics in this thread so we can help give you ideas. The biggest mistake I've seen in rock work is keeping the rock pile too low.

Other than that, I have nothing to offer you as my rocks look like a brick wall with only 2 puny caves to open it up.

Low rock is ok if your aquascape looks appealing....just means you need more rock :)
anyone i have beer well a few left but still beer all for whom ever comes and helps
Go to HD and buy a masonery drill bit and drill a hole in the center of the rocks and use 1/2" pvc to run in the hole. That way you will have pillars in your tank. You can also use zip ties where you need them.
ok so i guess imma have to go at it my self i still have beer this is your last chance
I was hoping you'd posted pics of your tank today. I was looking forward to berating you attempts at aquascaping! C'mon Victor..... Post pics so we can critique and tell you everything you did wrong........
ok i did it and i actually somewhat like it looks more real ill post picks once it clears