Need help with pricing

dylan ringwood

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If someone that is good with coral prices please pm me, I feel like I'm getting a great deal but with me not knowing prices I'm not sure.. thanks in advanced
It's really hard for anyone to tell you whether you got a good deal on a coral or not. For example, my colony of tricolor valida has three color variations. The colony itself is puple/blue with white polyps. When I frag it, sometimes it turns purple with white tips, purple with green polyps, or blue and purple with green polyps. The blue purple with green tips usually go for 3 times as much as the purple with white tips. Now, it's the same coral, but people are only willing to buy the tricolor with green polyps at 3x price.

When it comes to corals, if it makes you happy then it's worth it. If you have to save money, then wait a couple of months until a trend dies down then get it. A good example are BoP and Acanthastrea. Both use to command a high price. These days, you can get frags for $10.