Need Help with QT clownfish treatment


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Last night before going to bed, I noticed the smaller clown had a little patch by his mouth, and I didn't know if it was an infection, or if the two had just been bickering. This afternoon, I noticed the larger one had the same sores. No other fish are infected. Both fish are active, eating, and retaining their colors with all fins extended, not clamped. It appears to be some kind of fungus, and neither fish is closing their mouth.

I was mixing up water for a water change last night, so this will provide a perfect opportunity for QT'ing the clowns. I'm setting up a 10 gallon next to the 75 and will drain water from the display to the QT and put fresh water in the display. I'm 98% sure it's a fungus, so what is the proper treatment? Hyposalinity? Maracyn? I've been lucky and this is the first issue in any of my tanks, so I want to go about it right.

I already have a spare heater, powerhead, and filter (which I can run without carbon), with plenty of spare pvc pipe, so the setup itself is good to go.

What are the best options for treatment?

Thanks in advance!
I know that true fungal infections are supposedly rare in marine fish (at least that's what I've read). This sounds like some kind of infection though...maybe try a broad spectrum medication? I am sure someone else can help you more.... :(