Need recommendations on new Skimmer for 210G


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I'm shopping for a new skimmer to use with the 210G build. I'll have another 150 -200G of water in the sumps and refugium when this is setup so the total volume will be close to 400G. I am serioulsly looking at the MRC-2R and recirculating the total water 600G per hour (all most 2X the volume in the system). Recommended BL-55 pump

Any pros or cons...
oh yeah, tanks has three MH, 2 x 175 and 1 X 250
Planing on moving all my softies, zoas, leathers, anenomne, med sized community fish includes
Pair of Flame Angels
two large Cardinals
5" Yellow Tang
Medium sized Maroon Gold-stirpped Clown with anenome
Ble green Chromis 4
Small purple firefish
Smiths Blenny,
Yellow-watchman goby
Singapore Angel
Bangaii Cardinals
asorted zoas, lps, leathers, mushrooms. some sps
There is also a tank with a couple of small fish that will either go in to the show tank or posibbly in to the new fuge.
mandarines, white-ray gobies and pair, dragon-faced pipefish
Obvioulsy it will all be moved slowly over the period of months one the tank is established for several months and running without any probs,
Any way, probably way too much info for a skimmer question but since this is my next big dicission on this tank wanted to get some ouf your ideas:D
I have the MRC-4R and about the same water volume as you. I got one a little bigger than needed in case I upgrade later. For the price difference, get one big enough so you will never need to upgrade. In my case, it will be easier convincing my wife that its time for a bigger tank, being I already have the equipment. I also got a MR-6 reactor, which again is bigger than I need right now.
I am running a mag9.5 into the skimmer, and a ps200 (pan world) for the recirculation. I have found that I can put it on a timer, being it takes no time to skim out any waste. I only run it for about 12 hours a day, which is nice for feeding my corals.
Thanks Ben... one of the reasons I like MRC is because they are upgradeable when I need to grow the system.