Need Reef Tanks for new series Tank Wars


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Hi Guys,

Myself and Reef Hobbyist Magazine need a few more tanks for my new youtube series Tank Wars. In each episode two tanks will face off against each other and the viewers will vote for their favorite tank. I decided to create Tank Wars because I wanted to show people how exciting the Aquarium Hobby could be! Here's one of the latest trailers for Tank Wars."></a>

Season 1 will be Miami vs Atlanta (I am going to film Julian Sprung's Tank on Nov 2nd). The way it will work is two Miami tanks will go up against each other in each weight class and there will be one winner. The same thing will happen for Atlanta. The winning tanks for Miami will then go up against the winning tanks for Atlanta. The viewers will vote again and the victors will be crowned Tank Wars season 1 champs and awarded a prize.

If you are interested please submit your pictures. Myself and RHM will sort through the pictures and hope to start filming the remaining tanks at the end of November/Beginning of December. Btw, I did speak to Dylan at MACNA and asked him if it was ok for me to post some tank requests when we were getting ready to film tank wars in ATL.

Here are the remaining Tanks we need for each weight class. We have already filmed one aquarium for each of the weight classes here in Atlanta. Tony Vargas may also be in season 1 so we need some extraordinary tanks from Atlanta to take him and Julian out (Hey I'm not neutral, I want my town of Atlanta to dominate Season 1!!). While I was filming in Miami a lot of the hobbyist there told me there is no way places like Miami or Florida could lose because they have more access to corals and fish. I want to prove them wrong!

1 Nano Weight Class Tank (0 - 40 Gallons)
1 Middle Weight Class Tank ( 40G - 100G)
1 Heavy Weight Class Tank (100G - 300G)
1 Super Heavy Weight Class Tank (Anything over 300G)

We can only choose 4 more tanks so I thank you in advanced for those of you who wish to participate!
I would nominate Acroholic for this

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Thanks for the quick responses! I also got a few private messages from people already submitting their tanks! I will look up Acroholic and Oz now to see if I can find pics of their tanks."></a>

I'll save you the searching
Thanks Ringo. I am actually familiar with that Tank Pure Reef had got me in touch with Dave. Unfortunately, its a no go. But it is definitely a beautiful tank!
I will nominate mysterybox, nice tank a beautiful fish that no many accomplish to take care for. It could be some tanks in
FL that could show some nice fish or coral at the moment you filming, but I don't think theirs are stable and running for long time whit that kind of fish like this tank has.