Need Some Advice


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Alright guys, I need some help. I have a horrible algae problem that I cannot seem to get under control. It looks like a combination of diatoms and hair algae (but it's brown). I can use a turkey badger and spray the rocks and most of the brown comes off but the hair remains. The next day it is right back again. I have been very consistent on changing out 5 gal of water each week, but jumped it up to 10 gal for the past three days to try and make some kind of headway with this problem. Even after that, I swear it is just as bad if not worse than before.

I am pretty sure it all started after my clown fish died about a month ago, but not sure why it continues to get worse. Only inhabitants are a few hermits and several snails and a diamond goby. Since the clown died, I haven't been feeding the tank since the goby has been eating the algae off the sand. So no additional phosphates from feeding. Lighting is not terrible. Blues on 7a-8p and brights on 9a-7p.

Parameters have stayed in line this whole time. Only thing that wasn't was salinity. Just got a refractometer and working on correcting that issue. After the initial cycle and diatom bloom, I put in chemi-pure blue and filter floss (changed every 3 days). Nothing else running in the tank.

Temp 78
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.0-8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phosphate 0 (probably more like 0-0.25)

I can only assume the phosphates are bound up in the algae, but confused why I don't see nitrates either. Any ideas on what I should do next? How long with large water changes will it take to see progress?
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how long is the tank been running

I re did my tank a few years back and I was fighting algea for a year
with 0 phosphate but I think phosphate was being release from the rocks

anyway i stop fighting it and let the tank stablelize
now i am 100% algea free

good luck
3-4 months. I am reusing rock from my last system, but went through a long dry out, cure and cycle before even starting the tank.
Stop doing water changes and let bacteria grow, you keep interrupting the cycle.

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pbyrmartin;1108580 wrote: this might help or similar"></a>[/QUOTE]

IMO Let nature work, I wouldn't add things that are not nessicary.

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The tank did go through a cycle already. I saw the ammonia spike then nitrites spike then nitrates then all went to 0. That was about 4 weeks in. Do you think it is doing another cycle? I could see that with the diatoms but the hair algae? I didn't think you saw hair algae during a cycle.

Thx pbyrmartin but I am with bhodges82, I would rather not add things if I don't have to.
that's the thing about setting up a reef tank
it goes through many cycles, when you think it's over another one pop up
pbyrmartin;1108593 wrote: that's the thing about setting up a reef tank

it goes through many cycles, when you think it's over another one pop up

Especially in a small system. Consistency is key, small changes have big consequences, that's why I say to let it do is thing.

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Thanks all, I guess I will give it a bit longer and see if it works itself out. Xilez - I thought it might too, but it never got the slimy consistency and air bubbles trapped inside of it that dinos typically look like.
Diamond gobies shift sand for food all day long, an immature tank will not have enough pods and microorganisms in the sand to support his diet. Snails and crabs would probably also have a hard time getting enough quality food because there isn't much to clean up.

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