need some help (I have yuengling)


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I am having some big hair algae and a small cyano problem in my tank. I dont know if it is a flow problem or what. the tank is 36x24x12. I have 2 koralia nanos and two 1s. I have a sump with a super skimmer 65 and a reactor running phosguard. I also have a fuge with macro algae. I would like it if some one could come over and spend some time with me and look over my set up and see if there is any thing I could do to help with this problem. I may need to move my power heads around or something. Like I said in the title I have yuengling that you can help your self to while you are here or if you are not a beer drinker we can come up with something for your time. Please let me know if you can offer any help. My house is in Smyrna.
Id help JUST for the yuengling...My God I miss NJ lol
I am buying my RO/DI water for a LFS right now so I dont know what the TDS is or how old the filters are. There tanks look good. My test come out good nitrate nitrite 0 ca 400-420, alk was a little low last time I checked but but I got it back to where it should be. My phosphates always test 0 but I dont think that is right.
a lot of LFS's don't change their stuff like they should and you are sometimes nearly just as good to use tap--(but don't recommend); a lot of times the cyano will hide true water tests' results-esp. phosphates and nitrates
yeah that is why I would like some one to take a look at the set up help me with test to make shore I am doing everything right I have only had the tank up and running for about 6 months I have been having these problems for a while. I have had people ask all the questions that have been asked here and many more that is why I would like some one to come by and take a look at what I have and they can ask me questions and I can ask some.
Likw Eric has said, don't always trust the purity of store-bought water. Buy a TDS meter (they aren't very expensive) and test the water yourself. I personlly wouldn't use anything over 2 ppm tds.

BTW, how much are you feeding your fish and corals? What type of food?
I am the fish 2 times a week, a mix of marine pellets formula one and two. Maybe I will replace one of the pellet feeding with frozen brine shrimp once or twice a month
it's kinda normal thing-but your tank should be cycled; how long are you leaving your lights on?? Do you have corals in there? IF not, then leave your lights off for two days and that will help TREMENDOUSLY. Most of that stuff grows when lights are on-but my bet is if you're not overfeeding and over lighting-is the water is crappy-like they said-get you a TDS meter-and over a period of the next few weeks do some 25-30% WC's. a couple times a week- (but obviously with 0 TDS water)
Ok I do thank every one for the input but is there any one who will come over and look at the system and tell me if there is any thing else I can do. I will try and get my hands on a TDS meter and check the water. I mean is water the only reason this could be happening if it is I will stop asking for help. I have tried a number of things to clean the water but nothing seems to be helping.
If your buying your water from a LFS you should be ok my friend! Whats up with the reactor? You must be overfeeding!
Suwanee is going to be kinda far I am in Smyrna around the 75 285 split on the north side. also I work mon-fri till 4 and wed and thurs nights till 9 and all day sunday.
PM me your address and phone. I should be able to swing by in the early evening this week.