need some help with T-5's please


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ok so my bud is setting up a 30g long and were gonna put T-5's on the tank. My question is, what setup do you guys reccomend? Like how many watts in total for the tank? He plans on keeping SPS and possibly a clam. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I guess all depending on the length of his tank I was looking at getting 2 of these this setups, will that be enough?"></a>

Does anyone happen to have the exact length dimension of the 36" kit with the end caps on?
Four bulbs over that shallow of a tank will be more than enough light!
They are 35" long, 2.5" wide (the base is slightly larger than the socket) and about 2.75" high. This is installed dimensions as I am running a set on my tank right now.

I have one set of these FS with 4 bulbs if you are interested. They were on the tank about 3 weeks.
I just got the 48 inch lights in the retro fit for my 48" tank with a standard Glass Cages canopy and they fit. However, it was tight. I upgraded a couple of the lamps to make it better. Its very bright. I have 6 of the 54 watts of the combination of blues, etc. I talked with Adam at HelloLights. He was very helpful in choosing the right combination. You might want to give him a call.
