Need some opinions..


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I'm currently working on my new 20 High Seahorse set-up and I just need some opinions on the set-up.

I have a spare Cascade 700 Canister Filter, i'm wondering if it would be OK if I drill the tank and connect the drain and return to the Cascade or if I should build a sump instead. I just figure with the cascade I can run a few diffrent types of media. I know with a sump I can keep my skimmer and heater down below out of sight. Like I said just looking for some opinions..
Set up a sump and run your canister out of the sump so you can still run media and hide your equipment.
I guess I never thought about it that way. Let me ask this, could I run the Cascade basically as a closed loop system ( I mean drill a drain about Mid tank and a split return near the top ).
I don't know why you couldn't, but it just seems like it'd be a lot of hassle, especially when it's time to change media. And if you're gonna drill it anyways, why not hide as much equipment as possible?
Not really a hasle when it comes to changing media in a Cascade because it has built in Ball Valves.. I was just thinking if I run it as a Closed loop with media it will serve 2 purposes, Flow without having Powerheads in the tank as well as some filtration.. If I'm going to run a sump I want a slow flow through it to give my skimmer as much time as possible to get out the Gunk...
I'm not a fan of canisters on saltwater tanks. They can be handy to polish the water occasionally, but IMO they shouldn't be used for biological filtration. I'd suggest running it a few days a month, and when done, clean and dry it until the next time.

Why drill if you are going to use the Cascade? Just hang it normally.

To answer the original question, my preference would be to go with a sump or a refugium. A refugium will grow amphipods which seahorses love to snack on.

So I'm definately running a sump now.. If I can only find a Skimmer that will work well in the confined space of a 10 Gallon.

Jenn as far as a Fuge would you still build one into the sump even though the whole tank is basically going to be a Refugium itself with various types of Macros..

I really don't have the room for an ATO in the stand so I'm going to try and leave plenty of room in the return section of the sump so that I won't have to be manually topping off everyday.. Don't worry I know to leave enough room in the sump for a Power outage and Back fill..
It's up to you... I guess a lot depends on how much peripheral equipment you need to squeeze into the sump.

I ran a 37g seahorse tank for several years (itching to put it up again) and I had a 10g sump with some rubble and macros, even though I had them in the main tank too. I had enough room for a small skimmer but I didn't have an ATO or any other bells and whistles. I found that the extra "habitat" in the refugium helped keep the pod population going, as seahorses will hunt and eat the pods.


Jenn - Thanks for the advise, I guess that is why it's called a refuge HUH? Don't really need to cram much in the sump basically just a Skimmer and a return pump possibly a heater.. Not sure yet if I'll need one of those..
I am also looking into a small footprint skimmer for a 10g going to be used for sump/refuge. Have a 30L that will soon be seahorse tank. It resembles a fuge with all the plants - macro algae, wife has in it. It has the most perfect params that are very stable out of any tanks I have set up. Have a small HOB skimmer on it now and hate it (if you want to know brand PM me) and a 400g HOB filter. Am getting another larger HOB skimmer this week, not necessarily for this tank, but will use on one of my tanks. Have a 20g set up with no skimmer yet just 2 HOB filters w/ different media (1-400GPH and 1-150GPH). If you find a decent small in-sump skimmer let me know, I'll do the same.