Need some sump advice.


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Below is a diagram I made. The sump on the left is what I have now, but the return pump is right beside the skimmer in the same area. I was wondering if I could pipe the skimmed and clean water directly to a 10 gallon sump I made to house nothing but clean water back to the tank. I am not an expert at this so please be gentle if this is a totally stupid idea. Was just not liking the idea of the return pump and skimmer in the same area. The volume in both tanks will allow the tank to drain if power goes off I believe. I have a 90 gallon tank now. The sump on the left I have is a 20 gallon and the tank I made on the right is a 10 gallon. Any help and suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.

PS sorry for misspelling Cheato and bad handwriting.
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Thank you Bratliff. I feel the dirty water from the tank and clean water that has been skimmed are just mixing again and it isn't doing me any good with the skimmer and return in the same area. I see your point and thank you for your advice. So far From here and others, this is a bad idea. That is why I ask first. I have alot to learn. I want to have the cleanest water back into the tank.
Like others mentioned you can add two bulkheads on each tank at the water level you want your first tank to sit at (dependent on your skimmers required water level, or add a stand) and tie them together with PVC (I would go with 1"). That will allow unimpeaded flow from one tank to the next.
If the only link between the sumps is the output of the skimmer it will not work unless your skimmer outputs the exact amount of water that the return pump draws in, the right tank will run dry and the left will overflow. That is of course if I'm reading it right. If the idea is to add a refugium what I would do is swap the fuge and skimmer that way the macro will get the dirtier water first.

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I would recommend splitting she supply line. And move the Skimmer to where the macro algae is. Only put about a 3rd of your water through LR and Macro. Run the most, straight to the skimmer section. But that's me...
nickg;1108682 wrote: I would recommend splitting she supply line. And move the Skimmer to where the macro algae is. Only put about a 3rd of your water through LR and Macro. Run the most, straight to the skimmer section. But that's me...


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