Need your opinions on a drilled overflow box for a 40 breeder


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Been trying to find a used overflow for too long now gonna bite the bullet and buy new. Would like to know what you guys are using on your 40 breeders and if you would recommend it or maybe wish you went a different direction. Thanks for your input:)
I have a 40 breeder. I will take some picture later. Trying to get moving this Monday after christmas. In the mean time there might be some in my non updated bud thread if you wanna sniff around and find that . i take some shots at lunch

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For a 40 breeder, it's pretty much Eshopps, Fuji Cube (LoPro), or XAqua. I had the Eshopps Small and it was noisy, however, it has an emergency overflow if that is important to you. The setup I bought was already drilled and it's possible that the overflow was too high that contributed to some of the noise, the top of the comb was right under the lip of the top frame. I helped my situation by placing half of a 1" union inside the bulkhead if that is the direction you go. I always wanted to try out the XAqua overflow though the reviews say you may need to buy the plumbing kit to go with it. It's a simple no nonsense overflow with a return that can be kept together or cut apart.

You can't go wrong with an Exotic Marine overflow. It's on the lower end of the more expensive packages but gives you the most for the money. You can also move it to a larger tank if you ever upgrade. It would be fine on any tank up to a 90, maybe even a 120.

If the back mounted drain box is too big and bulky for you a CPR Aquatics might be better but you'll lose the redundancy and silence of the Beananimal drain setup.
Thx for the input guys:) finally decided to go with the Fiji cube 400gph. It looks nice wasn't a fan of there drilling template. But it's drilled. Also they failed to include the o ring for the removable weir so I had to find one at home depot. Really hope the water level is right. The template said "approximate" water level. It honestly looks low right now Hopefully it comes up to the rim of the tank once it's hooked up:/20220109_165427.jpg20220109_163829.jpg20220109_163823.jpg
I ended up having to get black silicone and block part of the overflow fins to get the water level where I needed it

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