Nem split into four pieces


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Update. I thought it was fantastic that my RBTA split into thirds. Little did I know it split into fours. I was selling one tonight to a fellow reefer and the mother colony that I thought was one big nem was actually two. So there were 4 nems that came from the original mother. All are looking fine and are getting huge again. I think I like this situation. Never seen one split into 4 pieces before. Mathew, let me know how yours is doing.
That's great man, good deal on the split!!! That is lucky getting 3 clones :D

If you decide to sell some of the new ones, let me konw!
mine split into forths but I said thirds because the 4th was so small and dissapeared
That's really cool!

How long did you have yours before it split? Also what diameter was the mother anemone before all the splits occurred?

congrats....please let me know if you are selling any of them....i'm really interested.
I bought it from another ARC member about 2 months ago and the mother was about 12" across. It was the split from another so it seems to run in the family.

Lifestudent;661831 wrote: That's really cool!

How long did you have yours before it split? Also what diameter was the mother anemone before all the splits occurred?
